Saturday, October 14, 2006

To Be Strong

An Abused Women's Affirmation

I celebrate my courage. I was alone, but now I am not alone. I was victimized, but I am no longer a victim.

I name the violence in my life--and declare it wrong. I name that I need help, and that I am willing to give help.

Nothing I do provokes the violence. Nothing about me causes the violence. Nothing gives one person the right to abuse another person. Abusers can change themselves, but I cannot change them.

Nothing I can do will change my past. Everything I do changes my future.

I have protected myself and my children. Resistance to violence, defending myself or my children, is not abuse.

I believe myself; I believe my sisters. I can ask support; I can give support. I can change myself; I can change the world.

My being here helps others. I am not here to judge my sisters, but to support their healing. I will take the risk to trust other women here. Every time a sister resists, she creates a space for resistance around her.

I am here in solidarity with my sisters of all persuasions, all colors, all orientations, and all faiths to say NO ! to violence. We will not be divided by our diversity--we will be strengthened by it.
In the words of Alice Walker, "I am the woman offering two flowers whose roots are twin. Justice and Hope. Let us begin."


Blogger Admin said...

I love this affirmation, thank you for sharing it. take care from one survivor to another survivor.

4:54 PM  
Blogger Nadia said...

Thanks for your visit Holly. Its been a while.

My appendix has not really been good to me. Had some complications, but now back on my feet.

I have been practicing affirmations for the last month or so. I start my morning, and end my day with my list. I find it empowering and helpful in making each day feel special.

I believe every woman should try it when they feel down, it has really helped me in the tougher days of my life.

6:29 PM  

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