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Does God Still Love Me?
Ever wondered if God was listening? Do you feel like you are the only one questioning after being assaulted? Based on 10 years of healing and thousands upon thousands of emails and conversations with other survivors. Does God Still Love Me? dares to answer some of the hard questions asked by Survivors.
I Never Called It Rape: The Ms. Report on Recognizing, Fighting, and Surviving Date and Acquaintance Rape by Robin Warsaw
A survivor writes:
"I never had called it rape. This book helped me see what happened to me as a teen for what it really was. Tell everybody you know that this is an important book if you've ever wondered if it was rape or if it wasn't.".... Tina
The Hider's Story
by Jacqueline Gordon, 242 pages
Gayle writes: "Many thanks to Jacqueline for allowing us a preview copy of her book. This is a story of her recovery from years of sexual abuse at the hands of her father and how she found healing. Sometimes sad, sometimes frustrating, Jacqueline candidly looks at the beliefs of her family of origin and struggles against other's wishes for her to "forgive and forget" what happened. Along the way, she finds healing and urges us all to "choose the path of goodness" in our own lives. "
The Immaculate Perception: A Life's Journey... By Karon Aghotte-Rice
Gayle Writes:
"This is the novel I personally want to take with me if I ever get strangled on a deserted island. The book moves right along and will move you with it. You'll want to cry with the main character Sincerely Young. You'll want to laugh with her and enjoy life (and death) with her. It's not strictly a recovery book but it's excellent reading and handles women's issues well."
No Visible Scars by Alison Werth.For sample chapters click on her book title. It's a book of poetry every survivor should read. Solutions by Leslie Cameron Bandler A Survivor writes: "it is in part a transcript of how a rape victim was helped using mental coding technology. Interesting."
Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality by James and Woodsmall A Survivor Writes: "the part on timeline is directly beneficial to eliminating both the trauma of rape and how to easily eliminate the life limiting beliefs that are spawned in such a moment"
The Sexual Healing Journey by Wendy Maltz published by Harper Perennial (1991). A survivor writes: "It was a good first book for me because she lays out what sexual assault is, how it affects us and our partners, and she constantly gives encouragement and reminders that we are not to blame, that what we feel is ok."
The Wounded Heart:
Hope for Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse by Dan B. Allender A survivor writes: "This book was recommend to me by a teacher at school, who was date raped. It helped."... Cassie
After The Silence: Rape And My Journey Back by Nancy Venable Raine." This was recommended by a survivor who says " I am a rape survivor and I recommend anyone who has suffered this unspeakable act, you must read this book.".
Telling: A Memoir of Rape and Recovery by Patricia Francisco. A survivor writes: "It is published by HarperCollins, and has thus far received glowing reviews and notices. I think it may be helpful".
The Rape Poems by Frances Driscoll. "This is a book of poetry every survivor might be interested in. Sexual Violence by Linda A. Fairstein. A survivor writes: "It is a good book with a different viewpoint. It was written by the Director of the Sex Crimes Prosecution Unit in Manhattan. Written in language that anyone can understand it can really help you learn the inner workings of the legal system."
Taking Back My Life by Nancy Ziegenmeyer A survivor writes:"I am a survivor and reading this book ( it is a true story ) gave me much encouragement. I would recommend to any victim( or survivor)" It is an excellent book of courage and survival!"
Transforming a Rape Culture Edited by: Emilie Buchwald, Pamela Fletcher, Martha Roth. Gayle writes: "This is an excellent book for anyone who is trying to understand the cultural problems surrounding rape. No, it's not easy, light reading, but it's well worth the plunge. "
Trauma and Recovery by Judith Herman, M.D.
Gayle writes: "This is a book that no survivor should skip on reading. The information is very good, and helpful. Too bad there's not more books like this!! The print is a little small making the information hard to read sometimes but don't pass on it!"
Ever wondered if God was listening? Do you feel like you are the only one questioning after being assaulted? Based on 10 years of healing and thousands upon thousands of emails and conversations with other survivors. Does God Still Love Me? dares to answer some of the hard questions asked by Survivors.
I Never Called It Rape: The Ms. Report on Recognizing, Fighting, and Surviving Date and Acquaintance Rape by Robin Warsaw
A survivor writes:
"I never had called it rape. This book helped me see what happened to me as a teen for what it really was. Tell everybody you know that this is an important book if you've ever wondered if it was rape or if it wasn't.".... Tina
The Hider's Story
by Jacqueline Gordon, 242 pages
Gayle writes: "Many thanks to Jacqueline for allowing us a preview copy of her book. This is a story of her recovery from years of sexual abuse at the hands of her father and how she found healing. Sometimes sad, sometimes frustrating, Jacqueline candidly looks at the beliefs of her family of origin and struggles against other's wishes for her to "forgive and forget" what happened. Along the way, she finds healing and urges us all to "choose the path of goodness" in our own lives. "
The Immaculate Perception: A Life's Journey... By Karon Aghotte-Rice
Gayle Writes:
"This is the novel I personally want to take with me if I ever get strangled on a deserted island. The book moves right along and will move you with it. You'll want to cry with the main character Sincerely Young. You'll want to laugh with her and enjoy life (and death) with her. It's not strictly a recovery book but it's excellent reading and handles women's issues well."
No Visible Scars by Alison Werth.For sample chapters click on her book title. It's a book of poetry every survivor should read. Solutions by Leslie Cameron Bandler A Survivor writes: "it is in part a transcript of how a rape victim was helped using mental coding technology. Interesting."
Time Line Therapy and the Basis of Personality by James and Woodsmall A Survivor Writes: "the part on timeline is directly beneficial to eliminating both the trauma of rape and how to easily eliminate the life limiting beliefs that are spawned in such a moment"
The Sexual Healing Journey by Wendy Maltz published by Harper Perennial (1991). A survivor writes: "It was a good first book for me because she lays out what sexual assault is, how it affects us and our partners, and she constantly gives encouragement and reminders that we are not to blame, that what we feel is ok."
The Wounded Heart:
Hope for Adult Victims of Childhood Sexual Abuse by Dan B. Allender A survivor writes: "This book was recommend to me by a teacher at school, who was date raped. It helped."... Cassie
After The Silence: Rape And My Journey Back by Nancy Venable Raine." This was recommended by a survivor who says " I am a rape survivor and I recommend anyone who has suffered this unspeakable act, you must read this book.".
Telling: A Memoir of Rape and Recovery by Patricia Francisco. A survivor writes: "It is published by HarperCollins, and has thus far received glowing reviews and notices. I think it may be helpful".
The Rape Poems by Frances Driscoll. "This is a book of poetry every survivor might be interested in. Sexual Violence by Linda A. Fairstein. A survivor writes: "It is a good book with a different viewpoint. It was written by the Director of the Sex Crimes Prosecution Unit in Manhattan. Written in language that anyone can understand it can really help you learn the inner workings of the legal system."
Taking Back My Life by Nancy Ziegenmeyer A survivor writes:"I am a survivor and reading this book ( it is a true story ) gave me much encouragement. I would recommend to any victim( or survivor)" It is an excellent book of courage and survival!"
Transforming a Rape Culture Edited by: Emilie Buchwald, Pamela Fletcher, Martha Roth. Gayle writes: "This is an excellent book for anyone who is trying to understand the cultural problems surrounding rape. No, it's not easy, light reading, but it's well worth the plunge. "
Trauma and Recovery by Judith Herman, M.D.
Gayle writes: "This is a book that no survivor should skip on reading. The information is very good, and helpful. Too bad there's not more books like this!! The print is a little small making the information hard to read sometimes but don't pass on it!"
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