Fake Cop Rapist

What has this world come too. Young Girls!?????? Posing as a Police Man. Disgusting. Absolutely Disgusting!
Feds arrest fake-cop rapist suspect
FORT APACHE INDIAN RESERVATION, Arizona (AP) -- Federal officials arrested a man Friday who they believe was posing as a police officer and raping young girls on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation.
A task force with the Bureau of Indian Affairs took 29-year-old Jimi Aday into custody on charges of kidnapping and aggravated sexual contact, according to a news release from the U.S. Department of the Interior.
Officials planned to take Aday to Flagstaff for a court appearance Saturday.
Since March, a man posing as a police officer has raped at least 12 girls and a 20-year-old woman, authorities have said.
The man told the girls they were under arrest, handcuffed them and then raped them. The most recent attack was September 6. (Watch how the rapist terrorizes reservation -- 2:41 )
Only two of the girls reported the rapes because they thought they had been attacked by an actual police officer, said Warren Youngman, assistant special agent in charge at the BIA.
Agents found most of the other victims after they went house-to-house to tell residents about the incidents.
Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
Protect Yourself!
Rape Protective MeasuresRape is a violent crime, an invasion, a frightening experience.Rape affects all women, no matter what their age, race or economicstatus. All women are potential victims of sexual assault.By being aware, a woman can reduce the likelihood of becoming arape victim. This does not mean all rapes can be prevented.Rapists commit rape -- NOT VICTIMS.
Psychological Preparedness
1. Accept the fact that you are a potential rape victim. Many women operate under the illusion "it will never happen to me. It may.
2. Educate yourself concerning rape prevention tactics.
3. Become familiar with community rape prevention and counseling.
4. Become aware of locations and situations where rape is more likely to occur and avoid them, or take precautions.
In a Dating/Friend Situation
1. The majority of rapes that occur are termed "acquaintance rapes" - the rapist and victim know one another. Trust your feelings. If you become uncomfortable in a situation, assertively ask the person to leave. Don't worry about hurt feelings.
2. If possible, let a friend or roommate know who you are with and where you will be. Leave an address and phone number when possible.I
In Your Car
1. Keep windows and doors locked.
2. If you should be followed into your driveway, stay in your car with the doors locked. Sound horn to get the attention of neighbors or scare the other driver off.
3. When parking at night, select a place that will be well-lit when returning to the car.
4. Always make sure the car is locked, and have the keys ready when returning to the car.5. Check interior of car before getting in.
On the Street
1. Be observant of things around you. If someone is following you, go to the nearest house or store.
2. Walk near the curb and avoid passing close to shrubbery, dark doorways and other places of concealment.
4. Avoid short cuts through parking lots and alleys.
5. Walk with a friend if at all possible. Don't walk alone.
6. If a car approaches you and you feel threatened, scream and run in the direction opposite of the one the car is going.
7. When arriving home by taxi or private auto, ask the driver to wait until you are inside.
8. Don't jog in secluded areas.
9. Know the location of the special emergency phones campus.
In Your Home
1. The best lock cannot function if you fail to lock it. Be sure to keep your doors locked.
2. All windows should have secure locks and frames.
3. All entrances and garages should be well-lit.
4. Never open the door after a knock. Require the person to give their name. In the case of service persons ask for proper I.D. and refuse entrance if you feel uneasy.
If You Are Sexually Assaulted
The best resistance you can use against an attacker isyour common sense. Think! Don't panic. The mostimportant element to remember is that you are not tryingto fight the attacker, but are attempting to divert theperson long enough to get away. Always look for a wayto escape.If the attacker has a weapon, use your common sense.
Fighting against it could be dangerous
1. Stay calm. Do not do anything that may upset the attacker.
2. Try to convince the person to put the weapon down.
3. Talk to your attacker, show sympathy and understanding.4. Make the attacker see you as an individual, not as an object.If the attacker is unarmed, you may be able to scare,distract or injure the person enough to make your escape
1. Scream "FIRE," "POLICE," or create a disturbance that will attract attention.
2. Assert yourself and fight back if you can do so safely.
3. Break away and run toward areas with people.
4. Be observant so that you will be able to remember and identify the assailant.
5. Report the incident to the police as soon as possible.
Checklist for Victims of Sexual Assault
You may want to call the Rape Crisis Line () forinstructions and support.
1. Report the crime immediately to the police.2. Do not shower, douche, or change clothing.3. Have a medical exam and internal gynecological exam as soon as possible. A delay in time may destroy evidence.
a) Semen smears must be taken by a clinician.
b) Inform clinician of exact acts committed upon you and have the clinician note any medical evidence of them.
c) Clinician should note any bruises or injuries bleeding, lacerations, etc.) external or internal.
d) Have clinician test for venereal diseases (and pregnancy later, if relevant).
4. Do not disturb the scene of the assault.
5. Inform police of all details of attack, however intimate, and of anything unusual you may have noted about the attacker. Remember what the person said and how it was said. It may lead to the arrest of the assailant.
6. Show police any external bruises or injuries, however minor, resulting from the attack.
7. Police may request your clothes for purpose of evidence.
8. Inform the police if you remember anything that was not previously reported.
Dear Nadia,
Great checklist, great post!
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